Implant Restoration
Getting dental implants is an investment in your oral health that is meant to last a lifetime. The crowns that top dental implants, however, are more delicate than the biocompatible metal anchors and abutments supporting them. As a result, they might require restoration after several years.
What Is Implant Restoration?
A dental implant restoration is a prosthetic dentistry service designed to restore the dental crown that is attached to the top piece (the abutment) of a dental implant.
Signs Your Dental Implant Needs to Be Restored
Dental implants do not automatically require replacement or restoration after 15 or 20 years. If yours is in good shape, you can continue to use it as normal. If you notice any of the following issues, however, we recommend scheduling an appointment for a dental implant restoration:
- Chipped, cracked, or broken dental crown
- Your dental crown feels loose or has fallen off
- Your dental crown is stained
If your crown falls off, hold onto the crown. If it is intact, we can simply clean it and your dental implant abutment and reattach your original crown. If the crown is damaged, we can replace it with a new dental crown.
Implant Restoration With Our Prosthodontist In Loveland, Colorado
To learn more about implant restoration, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrew Bock. Our highly experienced prosthodontist, who is the only board-certified prosthodontist in the NoCo area, can help you prolong the life of your dental implant and continue enjoying your healthy, fully restored smile for the rest of your life. To schedule an appointment, call Northern Colorado Prosthetic Dentistry or request an appointment online.